BÁIKI is a major English-language source of information about Sami arts, literature, history, spirituality, and environmental concerns. It also covers news of North American Sami community events.
"Báiki" [bah-h'kee] is the nomadic reindeer-herding society's word for cultural identity and survival, "the home that lives in the heart." The beautifully illustrated 28-page biannual publication began in 1991 and is now in its 38th issue.
Contributers include Sami, Native American and other journalists, storytellers, historians, poets, artists and photographers. BÁIKI is produced by volunteers and supported by the subscriptions and sponsorships of its loyal readership.
Issue 33
Issue 34
Issue 35
Issue 36
Issue 37
The Sámi BÁIKI Editorial & Subscription Office / The Sámi BÁIKI Library & Archives
1714 Franklin St, #100-311, Oakland, CA 94612-2408 USA
Telephone 510-355-8403
- saamibaiki(at)netzero(dot)net
Copyright © 2001-2017 BÁIKI: The International Sámi Journal. All rights reserved. /